Jul 14

Transfer check-out

I have been doing some basic checks between the original data and final data and want to post any progress/ updates here in an effort to avoid having anyone re-do work that has already been done.

So far I have verified that all grid coordinates are correct and observed the coordinate system change:

x_new = x_initial
y_new = z_initial
z_new = -y_initial

Grids 1-20 = Balance Nodes
Grids 21-60 = Wing Nodes
Grids 61,62 = Exciter nodes
Grids 1020-1023 = B nodes (1020 = Balance B node)
Grids 2020-2023 = C nodes (2020 = Balance C node)
Grids 2024-2060 = BC nodes (B coordinate falls on line C)
Grids 3022-3060 = D nodes

Something to note: Many of the PBEAM lines go past column 80 in the NASTRAN deck and the data ends up being cut-off. I am fixing this issue and also including "wide field" identifiers to preserve the number of digits from the original data (NASTRAN reads up to 8 so some of the precision is lost without the wide field identifiers).


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