DXC'11 Framework and Oracle

shared by SCOTT POLL, updated on Aug 29, 2012


The DXC Framework is a collection of programs and APIs for running and evaluating diagnostic algorithms (DAs) under identical experimental conditions. It is complementary to system XML catalogs and data sets.

The Oracle for DXC'11 is the same as DXC'10 and provides a querying capability to the DAs to determine the correct actions for given faults. Because the Oracle uses proprietary NASA software, it is provided only in binary form. Thus the framework is available as a windows binary installer, linux source files + binary oracle, or windows source files + binary oracle. Please see the included READMEs and example DAs for more information.


DXC Framework Linux Source & Oracle Linux Binary
2.2 MB 16 downloads
DXC Framework Windows Source & Oracle Windows Binary
1.4 MB 16 downloads
DXC Framework Windows Binary & Oracle Windows Binary
7.0 MB 17 downloads


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